Reliv Independent Distributor
Exhaustion Owned My Life

I went from from dragging myself through the day to Martial Artist Champion!

You're Here for a Reason!

Congratulations! You have taken the vital first step on your way to a better life — you have discovered Reliv. I look forward to helping you decide what comes next. 

First I need to know: Why are you here?

A. Better Health – No one delivers optimal nutrition like Reliv. Our cutting-edge products provide your body what it needs to get healthy and stay healthy.

B. Better Finances – Ready to start getting paid what you deserve? Launching your own Reliv business puts you in control of your financial future.

C. Better Life – You can get the most out of every day. Reliv offers the opportunity to achieve personal freedom and experience life on your own terms.

D. All of the Above

Finding Reliv was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I feel great, I love what I do and I’m building the life I’ve always wanted. Sound like something you’d want to be a part of? 
Here's my personal experience with Reliv. 

Hello! I’m Colleen Love- Kielton, a master holistic stress relief provider and instructor from South Bend, Indiana. I started on the Reliv products in 1997 when I was 7 months pregnant with my fourth baby boy. My muscles felt as if they were crystallizing and breaking. I was positively exhausted, had ongoing sinus issues and had no idea how I would be able to care for my baby after he was born. The prenatal vitamins made me nauseous, and I was insatiably hungry. Even before pregnancy, I used to plan my life around my sleep schedule. Exhaustion owned my life. No doctor ever found anything wrong with me. I noticed a remarkable increase in energy, gaining four more productive hours to my day within the first week. The insatiable hunger went away immediately.  My baby was born very healthy and my recovery was remarkably quick. My other sons rarely saw a doctor after beginning these products. My perpetual sinus issues went away, my husband’s allergies stabilized so much that his doctor got on the products too! I began martial arts training, became a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, certified instructor, earned several state championships, and even top ten in the World Competitions. My eyesight improved so much that my eye doctor requested to speak with a fellow eye doctor in Reliv. My father’s gum gaps reduced and my mother’s hair dresser wanted to know what she was doing because her hair became so healthy. I am 56 years old, always have remarkable check ups, and I just returned to my martial arts practice. Over 23 years later, I’m still grateful for these products everyday of my life.

Take a look around this website to learn more about Reliv and what it can mean for you. Then click “Contact” above and let me know how I can help you take the next step.

